Many people believe that fashion is something that is forced upon women. The links in the chain of responsibility are the designer labels and the clothing industry, their mouthpiece is the fashion magazines. All together invent new styles of clothing in shorter and shorter sections. Beauty products like lash extensions kits on the other hand aim to adorn clothing and fashion trends.
The fashion that they set is not aimed at pleasing women, but men. Fashion made by men for women to please men. The ugly word power often coincides with the beautiful word fashion.
It is often women who describe this chain of responsibility and condemn it as a matter of course.
Lash extensions: Liberation from the dictates of fashion
Reform clothing was invented around 1850. The reform dress got by without modelling. It was hung on the woman’s body.
The reform dress was an attempt at rebellion. It wanted to settle accounts – with fashion, with men, with power. It was the first political garment. The whole avant-garde of the time struggled to take its dirty charm away.
Fashion and lash extensions: There is only one ideal
Since then, fashion has changed dramatically several times. There was the S-shape, the H-shape, the V-shape, at the moment the big I is the measure of beauty. Beyond size 34, today’s models can pack up because they’re too fat. The idea of beauty has changed over time. But roughly speaking, it was always about the same thing, namely line and silhouette. It was always about slimness.
No garment that was considered modern at any one time was ever draped around an obese waist. A beautiful woman was always slim. Every fat woman wants to get slim. Every slim woman wants to become even slimmer. And very slim women are not satisfied either. The end of the flagpole is the skinny model, the ideal of the slimness of the 21st century.
And even if the women’s movement and doctors condemn the skinny look, the average woman turns enviously as soon as a skinny gazelle in a miniskirt walks past her.
The art of conforming to today’s norms of beauty is no longer just about pressing away what is wrongly grown. It hurt and was unhealthy. But at least it was possible. Today’s slimness is harder to achieve. If you want to be beautiful, you have to stop eating.